
Register Now! Online Workshop on Bystander Intervention

2 Sep 2024

Organized by the NUS Care Unit (NCU) and conducted by AWARE, this 1-hour online workshop* aims to equip participants with the strategies to recognize and understand inappropriate behaviours and the knowledge to intervene as active bystanders in different situations.

This online workshop is open to all NUS students, including Yale-NUS and Duke-NUS students. Do sign up for only one session. Limited slots are available on a first-come-first-serve-basis.

To register, you can click on the respective links below.

*This online workshop is made possible by the e-vouchers donated by students from the 2024 Campus Climate Survey (CCS) on Sexual Victimisation Experiences.

Please be aware that the NUS Care Unit (NCU) will be recording the online workshop “Thriving Safe Communities: Active Bystander Strategies to Prevent Gender Harm & Promoting Healthy Relationships (“the Workshop”). NCU may use the recording for NCU’s marketing and publicity purposes in print, electronic and social media.